How To Start Running

Start SLOW and don’t be afraid of walking

It is a common issue that many new runners push themselves too hard or too fast. When starting out, don’t be afraid to take it slow and incorporate walking into your runs. This can make the exercise feel a bit pointless, but there are benefits to gradually increasing your running load.

The 80/20 Rule

Follow the 80/20 rule so that 80% of your training is low intensity and the other 20% is moderate intensity. These limits are different for everyone so here are some simple guidelines:


During low intensity exercise you should be comfortably breathing through your nose.

When exercising at a moderate intensity, you will breathe heavier but should still be able to speak in short sentences.

High intensity exercise is when you are breathing as hard as you can after a few minutes, and when it comes to distance running we are generally trying to avoid this.

Training Schedule

Following the 80/20 rule your training schedule will change depending on how much time you spend running per week. Calculate the number of minutes you spend, or would like to spend, running per week and then split this into 80/20 to work out how much low intensity and moderate intensity training you should be completing.

It’s also good to run on a day-on-day-off basis so that your body has time to recover.

Consistency is key, it will get easier


Every run, whether you feel it was good or bad, is helping you reach your goal. As you progress, it will get easier and hopefully before too long you’ll find yourself quite enjoying going out for a run!

It’s normal that our motivation will vary from day-to-day but try your best to set days and times for your runs and stick to it.

Keep up strengthening and stretching exercises

It’s important to incorporate stretching and strengthening exercises into your weekly routine. It will help you progress with your running and also help you to avoid injury.

Couch to 5K app

If you are looking for somewhere to start, download the couch to 5K app. This app utilises fartlek style training to help you gradually increase your endurance.

Come in for a check-up

It’s wise to come in for a check-up with your chiropractor before you start running. As well as being able to give you tailored advice and exercises, we’ll make sure that your body is moving well, with good running form, so that you can reach your optimum potential and avoid injury.


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